Monday, July 30, 2007

Texas Tornado Tussles with Tokyo Typhoon or How to Flush a Japanese Toilet

I knew I was in for trouble when I tried to use the toilet in my hotel room. It has 7 (SEVEN!!!!!!!) different buttons - including heating and deoderant features. It also has 3 (THREE!!!) cautions marked with big XXX"s - I guess that means I'm using a Triple X-rated toilet. One of the 3 X's cautions me of danger of electrocution and instant death if I get water on the controls - that is one way to get people to not miss the toilet.... Thank goodness there is an emergency phone in the bathroom.... The toilets are made by a company called "Toto" (We''re not in Kansas anymore, Toto)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Everything worth reading always has a dedication - so here goes:

I dedicate this blog to all my relatives and friends out there that will take the time to read my Tex/Jap blog .... I also dedicate these exciting chapters to my two daughters .... but the real dedication goes to my husband who has coerced me into taking this journey with him.